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Group Workouts...BIKE/RUN: Super Bricks
Select Saturday Mornings...8am...May to August
Bricks are a very important part of triathlon (and duathlon) training and they are sometimes overlooked. Bricks refer to training on two disciplines during the same workout, one after the other with minimal or no interruption in between, just as you would do in a race. Usually when people talk about bricks they refer to a bike/run workout, but bricks could also refer to a swim/bike workout or to a run/bike workout (if you are training for a duathlon).
The Barrie Triathlon Club will be offering Group bike/run bricks during the summer, mainly because the transition between bike and run is the toughest of the two during a triathlon. By doing a series of short repeats you also switch sport (and therefore muscles used) several times in the same workout. You are practically teaching your legs and body to switch as fast as possible and as efficiently as possible between two very different kinds of effort.
There will be 3 Brick sessions during the summer. Check the Club Calendar for specific dates.
The Baydogs Super Brick features a hilly 10km bike loop and a hilly 1-2km run. Transition racks will be set up to rack your bike while you run. Do as many loops as you like. Bike 10km-Run 2km-Repeat. We will ALL start from Horseshoe Highlands Tennis Courts (Oro 4th Line at Horseshoe Valley Rd) for 8am start. It is a 5km ride to our Transition on Bass Lake Side Road. If you need a longer warmup, meet us at transition at 815.