The year 2018 has started off with a bang! Our AGM was a giant success with plenty of good things in store for the upcoming year. As our club continues to grow we are excited to welcome Shannon Puna and Louise Hull onto our superb Board of Directors. So far, I must say, Louise Hull is doing an amazing job and we are lucky to have her as our newest President.
There was a focus on the need for volunteers this year. Volunteering is not only a truly rewarding opportunity but it can also help you grow in ways you cannot even imagine. Think about stepping up into a new role this year, even if it is taking something on in a joint effort with a fellow athlete. Some of the current openings are:
* Social Coordinator
* Club Administrator
* Sponsorship Liaison Coordinator
* Volunteer Coordinator
Contact Mark DesLauriers for more information about each role.
Our socials, clinics, weekly workouts, club challenges and the mentoring program were highlighted and are welcoming events that are available to every member. There is a lot of hard work that goes into each event so make sure you take a look and explore what ones might be right for you!
A big thanks to our guest speaker, and fellow Baydog, Nicole VanBeurden for speaking on “Reaching your potential – Lessons learned through racing”. Remember to recover, stick to your fundamentals, change your story through mental focus/concentration and FAIL! Her stories, demonstrations and easy-going personality made everything relatable and easy to remember.
Here is to an amazing season of training, racing and challenging each other.
Cheers to 2018!
And we’re off to the races…. kick starting 2018 with the Baydog AGM!!
Posted in News.